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About Us

Red Wood

We are a family owned business, with deep emphasis on customer service. We do our very best to keep our clients for life!


"Revolve your world around the customer and more customers will revolve around you" -  Heather Williams

Personalized Approach

Blue Wood

Excellence and Professionalism

With over 30 years combined experience in roof truss design and manufacture, we can say without a doubt our standard of quality is a skill expected!


"Always do more than is required of you" – George Patton

Brown Wood


This is what we do, we manufacture trusses for a living. So heaps of pride injects into our work, trusses are made by hand and that's personal! 


"A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist" - Louis Nizer

Blue Wood

Only SABS approved material is 

used for manufacturing of trusses.


We use Mitek Software for design and engineering of our roof trusses.


Our trusses are designed in accordance with part A and L of the National Building Regulations.



All Glory To God, Jesus Christ our Saviour!  - Joh 3.16 

The Fine Print

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